Say Hello to My Little Friend, the Ringling Raccoon

I’ve named him Robin the trash panda

On another weekend day trip adventure, we went to the Ringling Museum in Sarasota. And while there are plenty of interesting things I’ll be showing you from the museums, this was one of the most interesting of the trip. As we sat down for a quick snack this little buddy decided they were hungry too. And clearly not concerned about people one bit. I guess when you live in the Ringling complex you can kind of do whatever you want, even when you’re just a raccoon.

Anyway meet my newest friend, Robin Raccoon. I named it Robin because I had a stuffed raccoon I named Robin as a child. I can’t remember why I named it Robin but it was either after Christopher Robin from Winnie The Pooh, or the Robin from Batman because of the raccoon’s eye mask. But I’m pretty sure it was the Winnie The Pooh thing.

Anyway, here’s Robin. If you go to the Ringling anytime soon make sure you stop by the food truck near the Banyan Cafe and it will probably come see you too.