Denmark Just Launched A Kids Show About A Man With A Giant...

Don’t read this if you’re easily offended. And don’t say I didn’t warn you.

In Denmark the state run TV network, DR, just launched a children’s TV show called John Dillermand. In Danish Dillermand literally translates to “penis-man”, and that’s what its about. John Dillermand is a man with an exceptionally long friend, and it seems his friend has a mind of its own. (Yes ladies, its true that they think for themselves...just not like this cartoon.)

This show is aimed at 4 to 8 year old’s in Denmark. And its animated but with this weird claymation figure/cartoon drawing combo, which only makes it weirder. Watch the show intro for yourself.

If you want to read what the Danish people think about the show you can find positives and negatives here. But really all I cared about was that someone else knew this existed, and now you do! You’re welcome.