Skid Row Now Have Their Own Coffee Line, And Of Course Its Called “Slave to The Grind”

Now you can rise and grind like Skid Row do, if that’s what you do. The Jersey band partnered with a Jersey coffee company called Dead Sled Coffee to launch their own line called, appropriately enough, Slave To The Grind. Here’s Snake in a short promo video to tell you all about it.

Here’s what the coffee will look like sitting on your counter calling your name from beyond the bed...

You can pre-order Skid Row’s blend now and it will ship with a Skid Row guitar pick as a bonus. If you go check out Dead Sled’s website you’ll notice that they obviously take a metal approach to their coffee, which sounds like what I need to get going in the morning, especially after concert nights. And Skid Row isn’t the first band to have their own Dead Sled line. In fact Dee Snider has his for The Love Of Coffee, Rob Zombie has a Hellbilly Brew, and Disturbed has their Get Up Dark Java Blend, too. They also have a KISS Koffee, KISS Alive Blend, coffee for Elvira, Robert Englund, Cypress Hill, and more. So metal up your mornings and grab some caffeine to kickstart your heart. Or try meth, that works too. But coffee tastes better and is way less illegal.