Anybody Complaining About Tom Brady Walking Funny After the Super Bowl Parade Needs to Shut Up

No one should be complaining about the example Tom Brady sets.

He’s the greatest quarterback the NFL has ever had. That’s just a statistical fact. You don’t have to like him or be a fan to understand that. And after another record breaking year and another record breaking Super Bowl win in so many ways, I think Tom deserves to cut loose and enjoy himself however he feels like it.

Here’s what I’m alluding to in case you didn’t know.

This is from Tom’s own Twitter account. Yes after the celebratory boat parade through downtown Tampa on the Hillsborough River, Tom was a little wobble legged. He even admits he had some drinks. So what? He’s an adult. He’s old enough to make that decision, and he wasn’t driving or operating heavy machinery, so who cares? He had plenty of people to help him safely around, and he caused no problems for anyone.

But this is the internet, and jerks just have to complain about everything don’t they? just check out some of the comments below this video. This first person can’t even spell TOM correctly.

Or this person who thinks celebrating breaking another world record for Super Bowl rings with a few drinks means Tom has no class?

Or this person who thinks that one video of Tom a little wobbly means that he must be a serious alcoholic?

This is Tom Brady! Of ALL of the players in the NFL you want to attack him for not setting a good example? Don’t you think that the winningest Super Bowl QB of all time has already set a good example? And how many other times can you even point to him somehow being a bad role model?

Look if you want to hate on the man go ahead, I’m sure he doesn’t care anymore than I do how you feel about him. But you should be able to let the man have a little SAFE and legal fun when he clearly harmed no one with his actions. Get over yourself! You are not the arbiter of what is and isn’t a good role model. And if you’re complaining about this, maybe you should just lock your kids in the closet until college because the world is going to super suck for you.